How and Where to Get A DNA Test in India?

DNA holds vast information about life and is present in almost every living creature. A child receives its DNA from the father and the mother in equal proportions - meaning half from the father and the remaining half from the mother. Hence, a DNA test helps establish the genetic relationship between two or more individuals. You can get a DNA test in India for different purposes. This blog shares insight into the process, applications, and where to go for a DNA Test in India ? How to get a DNA Test in India ? Choosing the right lab or company is the first step towards getting a DNA Test in India. Companies that offer accredited DNA Tests at reasonable prices should be the priority. Once you have decided which lab to go with, you have to choose the mode of sample collection. The first part is which type of DNA sample you want to give, for example, hair, blood, semen, tissues, nails, saliva, etc. Generally, a saliva sample (a cheek-swab sample) is preferred over others. Sterile bu...