Role of DNA Testing in Family Reunification Visas for Australia

Australia is a popular and dream destination for emigrants due to its high standard of living, strong economy, and various cultural landscapes. Among the vital steps in the immigration procedure, mainly for family reunification visas, can be determining biological relationships through DNA tests. This blog will delve into the significance, process, and role of DNA testing for Australian immigration.

Understanding the Significance of DNA Test for Australian Immigration

Australia has a strict immigration procedure requiring applicants to prove their familial relationships with sponsors in cases where traditional documentation is insufficient or unavailable.DNA test for Australia immigration assists in proving parent-child relationships, sibling relationships, or other familial connections.

Role of NATA

NATA, or National Association of Testing Authorities, is an Australian government body that accredits various test facilities, including DNA testing labs. NATA guarantees that these labs adhere to strict quality standards and work with the highest accuracy. Accrediting DNA test facilities offers a framework for dependable and credible test results, giving immigration officers confidence in the results obtained. NATA accreditation for DNA testing for Australian immigration ensures that the test has been performed using internationally accepted procedures, resulting in a dedicated report.

Process of DNA Test

The method of DNA test for Australian immigration is straightforward but involves several vital steps to guarantee accuracy & confidentiality:

  • Sample Collection: DNA samples are commonly collected using cheek swabs and rubbed inside the cheek wall to collect epithelial cells. Buccal swabs are painless and the most convenient way to collect DNA samples. Furthermore, it is easy to use, transport, and carry and has a longer shelf life.
  • Lab Analysis: The collected DNA samples are sent to a NATA-accredited lab, where genetic profiles are generated. The lab compares the DNA profiles of the tested people to establish the likelihood of a biological relationship.
  • Results & Reporting: The test results are usually available in a few weeks. The report includes a precise conclusion about the possibility of the claimed relationship.

Why Choose Us for Accredited DNA Test for Australia Immigration?

DDC Laboratories India is one of the most trusted and best companies for DNA testing services. We are the only company that provides AABB-accredited immigration DNA testing for Australia. At competitive prices, we offer accurate and dependable immigration DNA tests for Australia. Furthermore, we have more than 250 collection centers worldwide, making it easier for our clients to obtain the immigration testing of their choice. 

Moreover, we work with various embassies and legal enforcement worldwide. We also provide DNA immigration test services for countries like the USA, Singapore, Canada, Poland, etc. In addition, we offer DNA immigration testing for different relationships, such as maternity, paternity, siblingship, kinship, grandparentage, etc. We provide immigration DNA test reports within 8-10 working days.

For more queries about DNA tests for Australia Immigration, call us at +91 8010177771. You can also send the chat to WhatsApp at +91 9213177771.


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